Become a Volunteer
For eight years, Maryland Hunger Solutions has operated a toll-free number to connect Marylanders with food resources in their area or, if eligible, with assistance in applying for SNAP benefits. The response during the Covid-19 Pandemic has been enormous and we’re looking for volunteers to fill three roles.
Role A is transferring voicemail data into a call sheet. Incoming voicemails are sent to a shared email address. Volunteers are tasked with listening to these voicemails and inputting all necessary data in the proper format into a call sheet.
Role B is to assist with “food resource triage” by calling people in our backlog. In this role, you are responsible for addressing needs, referring callers to other resources such as pantries or school meal sites, and scheduling callers for appointments for SNAP application assistance if they are eligible and require it. This role requires the completion of two one-hour trainings to learn about SNAP and it’s eligibility requirements (SNAP 101), and how to navigate our internal outreach system (SNAP 103).
Role C is SNAP application assistance. While we direct many of our callers to apply for benefits online on their own, some lack the technology or the ability to do so. To fill this gap, Maryland Hunger Solutions and its volunteers are providing direct over-the-phone SNAP application assistance. This role requires the completion of one month of performing “food resource triage” and a secondary training that will provide you with the knowledge to successfully assist others with applying for SNAP on myDHR, the state online benefit portal.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact with your name and availability.