Maryland Hunger Solutions Calls for Action Against Systemic Racism
Jordan Baker
410-528-0021, ext. 3018
Statement attributed to Michael J. Wilson, director, Maryland Hunger Solutions
BALTIMORE, June 3, 2020 – At Maryland Hunger Solutions, we have been working to end hunger in the state since our founding in 2007. Our work utilizing the federal nutrition programs is designed to address poverty, which is the root cause of hunger, by ensuring those struggling against hunger have access to the nutrition they need. Hunger and poverty impact Marylanders of every age, race, and religion, and no matter their, gender identification, national origin, or sexual orientation.
Federal nutrition programs have a disparate impact on people of color who experience poverty at a higher rate, despite these programs being race-neutral. We know that in spite of the race-neutral eligibility of these programs, they have a disparate impact on people of color who experience poverty at a higher rate. This is one of the reasons why we work for racial justice as well as economic justice. Because we know that the systemic discrimination that exists in our state and in our nation is one of the causes of the deaths of African Americans like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and yes, Freddie Gray.
We encourage our partners and fellow advocates to join with us, to work diligently to understand the dynamics of systemic racism and the impacts it has on communities of color, including the implications racism has on the incidence of food insecurity.
At Maryland Hunger Solutions, we seek to improve public policies to end food insecurity and poverty, ensure all residents that all eligible residents are connected to federal and state nutrition programs, and poverty-related hunger throughout our state. To do anything less would have us be complicit with racism and on the wrong side of history.
Maryland Hunger Solutions works to end hunger and improve the nutrition, health, and well-being of children and families in Maryland.